Friday, July 23, 2010

Tool # 7

My video...

This tool will be great for my storytelling project!!! I can see my students adding their pictures and voices! It is going to be awesome! I can also make movies with fieldtrips pictures and each student can add their on voice to each picture telling what happened...It is going to add so much fun to my lessons! I can use pictures from each student on my science lessons and let them add to each picture what they learned...I can hardly wait!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tool # 6


Very interesting...It can help me be very organized. Just the thought of fewer emails to communicate my ideas...this is great! ...I just need creativity!!

This tool is great to work with parents to ask for help in activities in my classroom like fieldtrips, book fares, parties, and etc. I can create a list and parents can add to the list or change it.

I will use this tool with parents and co-workers. I did not see yet the use for pre-k students.



Tool # 5

My links and tags:

My account with "Delicious" is

I used tags like: activities, art, blog, books, children, cloud, coloring, crafts, creation, downloads, education, family, free, Isabella, photos, and school.  (Education)  (Education)  (My daughter)  (Education)  (Photos) (Creations)

This is a great idea…be able to add all my favorite websites in one document! Now I can get all my links in any computer, anywhere in the world (! This is a great tool to share my ideas with friends and family. The possibility of sharing just a paragraph from a website and be able to add notes is amazing (! I am glad that now I know all this information! My life is going to be much easier!

Las Aguilas - motivacion

Monday, July 19, 2010

Tool # 4

I've shared Beginner of the Year
Message from Click to open:
Please read the notes and add comments! Thank you! Claudia

Google Docs:

For the higher grades students are going to be able to participate with one assessment. They can learn all time of the day. Students can talk with other friends and work in any assessment in their on house. This will help teachers and students in so many way…and students really enjoy staying at the computer. Students can work in their writing process in one document. They are applying the teachers thinking with their one thinking, allowed students to publish their one work. I really enjoyed the possibility for the students to work together with friends and teachers.

The level off their work is going to be high because they will know that a lot of people are able to read their work. Google Docs is a great tool for teachers to talk with each other around the school without need to meet. The collaboration between teachers working with Google Doc is great. Lessons are more interactive.

Google Readers:
I can read new content from your favorite’s website. It will be efficient to read and easy to share with friends and coworkers! You can always keep up with new information without going to each website, you just need to go into your Google Reader and check all your favorite sites and new information. Great tool!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tool # 3

I made a word cloud at

Wordle: Everything about ME All about ME and my FAMILY!

Made a movie from my trip to Brazil. Check it out!!!

If you like to make a video like this one...go to:
Have fun!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tool # 2

I am very excited with this new information. I love to learn new things and the idea to be able to share my thoughts with all my friends and parents are great.

I will be able to tell everyone what my classroom is work on and give the opportunity to my students to share their learning with their family. We can use so many different ways to communicate what we are doing in the classroom: videos, books, songs, pictures, etc.

Children with any age love to see themselves on TV or computer and with a classroom blog they are going to be able to show themselves to their family and friends. Children are going to be able to listen to their favorite sounds and read their favorite books on their classroom blog and this is a great thing to a first year of experience in a school environment. We are in a new era and we need to change our ways…we learned differently and now this is the way to teach! What do you think?

---Reading around---

Good Blogs that I comment on:

1 - I also liked the post from “” he has great ideas to start a good blog and it was interesting to read the 23 questions that he give you to see if a blog is the right thing for you...
And also:
Ideas for a beginner blogger...

2 - Mrs. Lapointe's First Grade

3 - Technology in the Bilingual Classroom

4 - Hammer's PK

5 -

Monday, July 12, 2010

Tool # 1

Today I am starting my blog and still waiting for my autorization to start. I am having a lot of fun!

I love my avatar!!! rsrs!!

Dear Parents,
It is with great pleasure to welcome you and your wonderful children to an exciting year in Prekindergarten at The Bear Blvd. School for Early Learning! As they begin on this new journey in school, each child will encounter a happy learning environment designed to foster a love of learning through creativity, exploration and purposeful play.
Thank you for your cooperation in working together to make our children’s year in prekindergarten a wonderful beginning to their learning
Mrs. Boone